2D Customizable Character provides you with high-quality characters that you can use in any game engine! This asset contains multiples generator parts that you can assemble together to create RPG Maker characters or high resolution characters alike. This is the “Male” version of the asset, the “Female” version will be released in the upcoming months.



The pack contains 86 high-resolution generator parts, and 76 RPG Maker compatible parts. This extends roughly to:

The high resolution version ships with 8 animations (idle, walk, dead, ranged attack, swing attack, thrust attack, hurt, spellcasting), each in 4 directions. The body template is roughly 100px wide, 200px tall (faced down).

The RPG Maker version ships with characters that are a bit larger than regular RPG Maker MV characters, but remain perfectly handled by RPG Maker and blend-in nicely. The walk view frame takes 48×64 pixels, and the SV frame takes 96×96 pixels. The other views are taking the usual RPG Maker MV size.